How to Cook Perfect Jackfruit Seed and RawMango gravy

Jackfruit Seed and RawMango gravy.

Jackfruit Seed and RawMango gravy You can have Jackfruit Seed and RawMango gravy using 15 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Jackfruit Seed and RawMango gravy

  1. Prepare 1 cup of jackfruit seeds cleaned washed and cut into juliennes.
  2. It's 1/2 cup of raw mango cut into pieces.
  3. It's 1 of green chilli.
  4. Prepare 1 tsp of cumin seeds.
  5. It's 2 tbsp of coconut.
  6. It's leaves of few curry.
  7. Prepare 1 pod of garlic(optional).
  8. Prepare 1/2 tsp of red chilli powder.
  9. It's 1/2 tsp of turmeric.
  10. Prepare to taste of salt.
  11. Prepare 2 of small onions(sambhar onion).
  12. Prepare 2 of whole red chilli.
  13. It's 1 tsp of mustard.
  14. Prepare of few curry leaves.
  15. You need 1 tbsp of coconut oil.

Jackfruit Seed and RawMango gravy instructions

  1. Peel the white skin of jackfruit seeds and put in water for half and hour...scrape the brown skin..
  2. And cook in cooker with 1/2tsp red chilli powder +turmeric+salt for 3 whistles..
  3. After the whistles add the raw mango and again give 1 whistle..
  4. Grind coconut+ grn chilli(adjust according to spicy ness)+cuminseeds+curryleaves+ garlic(i didnt use as my kids dont like.i liked whn my mom use to add at ur preference)to coarse paste.
  5. Add the paste to the JackfruitSeeds and adjust salt and cook for 5 mins..
  6. Temper the gravy with 1 tbsp oil..put mustard, let it crackle.add chpd pearl onions aand let it brwn..add curry leaves + wholered chilli..tadaaa it's ready....

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