How to Cook Appetizing Sayur Terong & Tempe / Eggplant & Tempe in Spicy Coconut Milk

Sayur Terong & Tempe / Eggplant & Tempe in Spicy Coconut Milk.

Sayur Terong & Tempe / Eggplant & Tempe in Spicy Coconut Milk You can cook Sayur Terong & Tempe / Eggplant & Tempe in Spicy Coconut Milk using 13 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Sayur Terong & Tempe / Eggplant & Tempe in Spicy Coconut Milk

  1. You need 4 of eggplants, cut into wedges, about 8 per piece.
  2. You need 75 gram of tempe, cut into cubes.
  3. You need of Red chilli paste:.
  4. You need 5 of shallots.
  5. You need 3 of garlics.
  6. Prepare 5 of candlenuts.
  7. It's 5 of red chillies.
  8. Prepare 3 of burdeye chillies.
  9. It's 65 ml of coconut cream.
  10. It's of Some water.
  11. Prepare of Salt.
  12. It's of Pepper.
  13. You need of Oil for frying.

Sayur Terong & Tempe / Eggplant & Tempe in Spicy Coconut Milk instructions

  1. Fry the eggplants and tempe until golden brown. Separatedly..
  2. Chilli paste: put everything in a blender. Blend until smooth..
  3. Put some oil in a pan. Add in the chilli paste. Cook until fragrant..
  4. Then add in the tempe and eggplant. Mix until everything is coated..
  5. Add in some water just enough to cover everything. Then add in the coconut cream. Mix until evenly spread..
  6. Add in the seasonings. Taste test..
  7. Put off the heat. Serve with some white rice..

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