Recipe: Delicious Korean Cream Cheese Garlic Bread

Korean Cream Cheese Garlic Bread. Today I am making an easy recipe for a popular Korean street food trend. This Korean cream cheese garlic bread is so good and easy to make at home. It looks so good that I knew I had to recreate it the next day!

Korean Cream Cheese Garlic Bread Proses pembuatan puluhan roti krim keju tersebut juga tampak pada video tersebut. Untuk cream cheese: Campurkan cream cheese dan gula, lalu aduk merata. Tambahkan whipped cream, lalu aduk lagi sampai rata. You can have Korean Cream Cheese Garlic Bread using 12 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Korean Cream Cheese Garlic Bread

  1. Prepare 3 of plain buns.
  2. You need of Cream cheese filling.
  3. It's 125 gram of cream cheese.
  4. You need 25 ml of double cream/whip cream.
  5. Prepare 2 tbsp of powder sugar.
  6. You need of Garlic butter sauce.
  7. Prepare 70 gram of butter, melted.
  8. It's 15 ml of milk.
  9. It's 3 cloves of garlic, bruised or 1 tsp garlic powder.
  10. It's 1 of egg, beaten.
  11. Prepare 1 tsp of dried parsley.
  12. Prepare of Bread crumbs for garnish.

Untuk celupan garlic butter: lelehkan mentega, tambahkan bawang putih, susu kental manis, telur, madu dan parsley kering. KOREA CREAM CHEESE GARLIC Bread - Roti Garlic Krim Keju Korea lezat. Korean cream cheese garlic bread original terlaris/roti garlic korea. Korean Cream Cheese Garlic bread. lagi roti yang lagi hits di ig 😁😁karena penasaran akhirnya bebikin kemarin dan sangkin semangat itu roti harusnya di Resep garlic bread gurih roti ini rasanya sangat gurih dan lembut,dengan olesan bawang putih bercampur margarine,roti ini tahan hingga dua.

Korean Cream Cheese Garlic Bread step by step

  1. Wisk cream cheese, double cream, and sugar until creamy. Place in piping bag.
  2. Mix all garlic butter sauce ingredients..
  3. Slice bread into 6 or 8 section. Pipe in cream cheese filling between each section of bread..
  4. Spoon butter garlic sauce to all over bread, until it's evenly coated. Get inside and bottom as well..
  5. Sprinkle the top with bread crumbs. Place in pan and bake at 180°C for 10-15 minutes or until you feel it's already baked. Serve and enjoy..

Korean Garlic Cheese Bread, roti kekinian yang ternyata bisa banget dibikin sendiri. Beri baluran garlic butter, beri cream cheese di bagian atas, dan taburi keju parmesan di atas roti.⁣ Garlic and chives flavor an easy cream cheese spread to serve with crackers, bread, or bagels. You can mold this spread any way you like. For Easter I do bunnies; I make a heart for Valentine's Day. Serve with Italian bread, crackers, or (my favorite for a brunch) triangle-cut pieces of assorted bagels.

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